Horizontall — Hackthebox

Ajay Mandal
3 min readSep 2, 2021


Hi folks, today I am going to share easy rated Hackthebox machine, Horizontall created by wail99. This was some how medium level machine for me.

Initial Recon

There are two open ports 22 and 80.Lets check the web-server. Direct browsing doesn’t help. Let’t edit the /etc/hosts

On directory Brute-forcing , nothing come ups. Lets DNS Brute-forcing

DNS Brute-forcing

Using subdomains-top1million-110000.txt from SecLists as wordlist

Got new domain as api-prod.horizontall.htb

Directory Brute-forcing

Initially add this domain to /etc/hosts

Running gobuster

Browsing to /admin pop up with login page but we don’t have creds. It shows strapi is in use but we don’t know the version. On google, I got nice article on this version of strapi on this page.Getting the version of strapi

Using exploit-db.com to serach for the exploit and got one .

we get JSON Token and I found useful article on how to use it here.

Listening on port 4444

nc -nvlp 4444

Executing following command , we get reverse shell

We get reverse shell as soon as we execute it. We can upgrade our shell with python

python3 -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'

We can easily cat our 1st user.txt flag.

Root escalation

Running linpeas on remote server by uploading from local with python

I found something interesting on Let’s curl it

Found Laravel and this version is vulnerable , I got something exploit of it here.But we need Laravel locally.

Port forwarding using ssh

To gererate ssh keys , we use

ssh-keygen -o

Lets copy the content of id_rsa.pub to authorized_keys and upload it to remote server

cat id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys

Copying authorized_keys to /opt/strapi/.ssh (create .ssh at this location).We can upload it using python server. Changing permission with 700 for authorized_key

chmod 700 authorized_keys

Now getting Laravel locally hosted

As laravel is locally hosted , let’t exploit it with exploit.py

As we can see , it respond as root. we can execute reverse shell script to get a reverse shell but I’ll go for direct root.txt



Ajay Mandal
Ajay Mandal

Written by Ajay Mandal

Security Researcher | Computer Engineering Spec. IOT | Hack The Box Player

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